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Conference: Our Social WorldMany thanks to all the speakers and the delegates for making this a succesful conference. Flow of discussionOur River of news tracks everything that’s happening at the conference where people write about it. Ongoing threadshttp://weblog.burningbird.net/archives/2005/09/10/change-starts-at-home/ http://theobvious.typepad.com/blog/2005/09/blogging_is_.html http://www.bloggerme.co.uk/the_uk_web_log_forum/2005/09/reporting_from_.html http://stealthisbrand.blogspot.com/2005/09/revolution-or-convolution.html Perfect Path Podcast - Conversations over Lunch http://matt.blogs.it/2005/09/09.html#a1982 http://www.headshift.com/archives/002612.cfm http://www.statusq.org/archives/2005/09/09/790/ http://www.corante.com/getreal/archives/2005/09/06/our_social_world.php http://spaces.msn.com/members/carnage4life/Blog/cns!1piiOwAp2SJRIfUfD95CnRLw!853.entry http://sourducklinkblog.blogspot.com/2005/09/women-in-social-software.html http://www.25hoursaday.com/weblog/PermaLink.aspx?guid=c776b4df-ba12-4849-99ca-14b3b2a61a0a http://www.mindthis.net/mindthis/2005/09/wiki_wednesday_.html http://itsgoodenough.blogspot.com/ http://www.trenholm.co.uk/?p=121 http://www.mcqn.net/mcfilter/archives//osw_simon_phipps_welcome_to_the_participation_age.html http://www.fullcirc.com/weblog/2005/09/burningbird-change-starts-at-home.htm http://www.plasticbag.org/archives/2005/09/links_for_20050914.shtml http://www.weblogswork.com/?p=263 http://www.statusq.org/archives/2005/09/09/790/ http://www.corante.com/strange/archives/2005/09/09/our_social_world.php http://www.perfectpath.co.uk/archives/000275.html http://ross.typepad.com/blog/2005/09/our_social_worl.html http://benmetcalfe.com/blog/index.php/2005/09/08/our-social-world-im-not-being-social/ http://commonusers.blogspot.com/2005/09/our-social-world.html http://www.newsgator.com/ngs/subscriber/WebEd2.aspx?fid=207546 Video Sampler of the day from Lloyd at Perfect Path http://www.corante.com/many/archives/2005/09/09/patient_opinion.php http://www.betaroad.com/weblog/archives/000938.html http://www.equityfingerprint.com/blogs/view_post.php?post_id=96 http://stealthisbrand.blogspot.com/2005/09/venting-my-spleen-literally.html http://www.trenholm.co.uk/?p=121 http://www.alianzo.com/blogs/redessociales/2005/09/09/cronica-de-un-congreso-sobre-software-so http://www.joiningdots.net/research/events/OurSocialWorld_Sep2005.htm http://www.betaroad.com/weblog/archives/000926.html http://www.preoccupations.org/2005/09/patient_opinion.html http://blog.patientopinion.org.uk/2005/09/patient_opinion.html Delegates who used our wikiThe really excellent news is that many delegates used the conference wiki. For most it was their first experience of direct publication to the web:- Delegates with entries:- Speakers and Programme8.30 Registration Opens 9.00 Conference starts Welcome Geoff Jones 9.05 Suzanne Collins - Introduction, structure of the day and ground rules. Table talk.1 9.30 Ben Hammersley - setting the scene with a brief history of blogging from 1700 to some point in the near future. 10.00 Simon Phipps - Welcome to the Participation Age - Unleash your staff to join the conversation with the What, Why and How of setting up blogs.sun.com - Making a community of 30,000 employees. 10.25 Table talk.2 10.40 Tom Coates (BBC Radio and Music Interactive) - Social software, an overview 11.00 Johnnie Moore - Chaos.. or engagement. John Lennon said life is what happens while you’re making other plans. So let’s explore what happens when we leave the script behind... will it lead to chaos or engagement? This is a certified, powerpoint-free session. Dress acausal. 11.20 Table talk.3 11.35 Lee Bryant - Negotiating language and meaning with social tagging. On-line social communication specialist with a focus on knowledge development 11.55 Table talk.4 12.20 Loic Le Meur (Executive VP & Managing Director of Europe, Six Apart, the Company behind TypePad and Movable Type) - European perspective. Blogging futures 12.30 Lunch 2.00 Euan Semple - Working In A Wired World - how the introduction of social computing changes the workplace forever. 2.25 Suw Charman - Dark Blogs: Using Blogs Behind the Firewall 2.50 Table talk.5 3.10 Julian Bond - The culture of the Office Memo, Implementing OSS in large organisations and hence the difficulties in doing “community” in business. 3.30 Simon Grice - Personal Digital Identity (PDID) - is a key emerging and enabling concept/service that empowers amongst other things online social and business communities/groups and interaction. I plan to give a very brief overview of what I sense the opportunity is and who is doing what in the sector. A high level backgrounder can be found at [http://www.midentity.com/whitepapers/Personal%20Digital%20Identity%20-%20The%20Unfolding%20Story.pdf] 3.50 Table talk.6 4.10 Max Niederhofer - “Blogging and The Ludicity of Online Communities”, relating some of the more ludic aspects within a blogging community such as 20six (which now has over 300,000 European bloggers!). User “play”, as in non-formalized gaming, is a key aspect of what makes communities successful (see Flickr's history with GNE). Essentially, I’ll explain what makes blogging “fun” 4.30 Colin Donald - The new media landscape in a world where everyone can be a media producer/distributor 4.50 Ross Mayfield CEO Social Text 5.20 Hugh Macleod - “Marketing Hackers”... how marketeers are going to have to act more like techies, and less like pony-tail “creatives” 5.25 Table talk.7 Feedback from tables. General questions to speakers. 5.30 Formal conference closes Music and Stormhoek wine with nibbles 8.00 Lights Out Edit this page or others to add information or make suggestions. home.txt · Last modified: 2005/09/30 10:48 by
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